Saturday, June 13, 2015

Fresh Figs & Cream for Breakfast

Here is a super easy, delicious breakfast when figs are in season

This is so simple, and we wanted to bring this yummy dish to your attention.

I enjoyed eating this for breakfast at my mom's house after we went and picked figs together. I especially enjoyed taking off my sandals and climbing the fig trees to get the ripe ones on the tippy-top! We got to go harvest figs twice while I was there. So fun!

Some of the figs we picked and brought home.
Here are some "blond" figs too!
My mom calls this "Fig Mush". It's delicious, whatever you choose to call it!

Fig Mush Recipe:

Fresh figs
Organic whole milk
Organic cream
Stevia glycerite, optional
BioSalt, optional


Snip fresh figs into a serving bowl.
Pour over some milk.
Pour over some cream
Add a drop of stevia glycerite to sweeten further, if desired
Stir and add a pinch of BioSalt, if desored.

Snip the fresh figs into little bite-sized pieces.
Pour milk then cream over top. Sweeten with a drop of stevia glycerite if desired.
Blond Fig Mush.


Leila & Nancy.

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