Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Crazy Good Pear Sorbet - Protein fortified, sugar free, and healthy!

Try this Kitchen Cheetahs original recipe! We L-O-V-E this easy to make Pear Sorbet...

This sorbet is truly refreshing. delicious and has an amazing frosty texture. The sweet pear flavor is so bright and perfectly balanced with fresh tart lemon juice. It doesn't melt too quickly, so you have longer to savor it. Serve it for lunch. Serve it a a snack. Serve it to cleanse the palate at a dinner party. Serve it in the heat of summer. Serve it for dessert. Just serve it! You'll love it.

Here's the kicker...

It's sugar free (except for the naturally occurring fruit sugar from the pear), it's rich in vitamin C, which is good for your immune system, and it is protein enriched!

We offer you a healthy, good for you sorbet. It feels like you are cheating, but your'e NOT.


If you live a clean eating life style, want to control your blood sugar, are avoiding dairy, or are on a low carb diet,  This is the clean, low carb frozen treat for you!

We much prefer to use collagen powder instead of egg white protein powder in this recipe. The texture is better and the flavor is cleaner with the collagen. Adding egg white protein is an OK alternative though, in case you do not have collagen powder in your pantry yet (get some).

We also do not recommend adding any plant-based protein powder to this recipe because the sorbet's flavor is so delicate, the color is so white, and the texture is so perfect as it is.

Fragrant Pear Protein-Fortified Sorbet (or Slushie):

1/2 c. cold water (you may need up to 3/4 c.)
1/2 t. unflavored gelatin powder
1 c. frozen pear cubes (1 large pear, peeled, cubed, and frozen)
1 T. vegetable glycerine
2 to 3 t. fresh lemon juice, to taste
1/2 t. vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid)
2 T. KC Sugar Substitute, to taste
1 T. collagen powder (or egg white powder as a 2nd choice)
8 to 10 ice cubes (8 to 10 ounces ice)
Stevia Glycerite, to taste


Advance preparation:

Sprinkle 1/2 t. gelatin onto the cold water and set aside 5 minutes. Heat to melt the gelatin. Cool then chill the gelatin mixture until it sets up. See note below.

Peel, core, and dice ripe pears and then freeze in individual pieces.

To make Sorbet:

Put into a high powered blender (we prefer the VitaMix):

The chilled gelatin mixture
1/4 c. cold water (you may need more water to process)
1 heaping c. frozen ripe pear (1 large pear)
2 T. vegetable glycerine
1/2 vitamin C powder
2 T KC sugar substitute
1 T. lemon juice
1 T. collagen

Puree using the tamper until smoothly integrated, then begin adding ice cubes, two at a time. Use a total of 8 to 10 ice cubes.

Blend until thick.

Add stevia glycerite to taste.

Serve immediately in frozen glasses.


You may prepare a quart of this gelatin gel and keep in the fridge for convenience. In a quart jar add 2 cups of cold water. Add 2 T. plus 2 t. plain gelatin powder to the jar of water. let it sit 5 minutes then heat to melt the gelatin in the microwave. Add 2 cups more water to the jar. Stir and chill the mixture in the refrigerator. Measure out 1/2 cup of this gel per batch of pear sorbet.

Placing frozen ingredients into the VitaMix blender.

Our Sorbet recipe melts much more slowly, so you have longer to enjoy it's frosty texture.

A beautiful frosty mug of PEAR SORBET!


Leila & Nancy.

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