
Nancy Glazier Art

Here is a place you can preview beautiful and original art by the renowned artist, Nancy Glazier, who is an artist in everything she does.

The art is organised into categories below. We will be continually adding to this collection. We welcome you to google the phrase "Nancy Glazier Art' and enjoy what comes up. She is a working artist, who is continually reinventing herself. Please enjoy the journey with us. -Leila.

N glazier Right-Handed Art:

"Canyon Moon" wolf painting
"Weather Top" - horse painting
Painting of The Mormon Trek

"Big Boss" bull buffalo painting

"Bright Band" horse painting

Shed Door Fox by Nancy Glazier
Lamb & Lion painting # 2 "Peace On Earth"
"Audacious" by Nancy Glazier
"Mama's Girls" by Nancy Glazier

N glazier Left-Handed Art:

Carousel Horses
Blue & yellow "Carousel Horse" painting
"Primary Colors"
"Leap of Faith" by Nancy Glazier

N glazier Right & Left-Handed Art:

N. glazier Mixed Media Art:

Sweet Potato Vines.

On Saturday, June 27, 2015, Nancy wrote:

"Out in my small garden this morning, watering... Very few plants are surviving this heat wave!

However, SWEET POTATO VINES  just keep on keeping on – I call them " my heart of green" in this challenging climate!

Also, and sadly, most of the plants are also being decimated by a congruent invasion of bugs .... But again .... sweet potato vines are holding their own.

SWEET POTATO GREENS are little known in the U.S., but they are a popular staple in warmer countries... Super nutritious, mild flavored, very versatile  ( A lot like spinach ) and quick cooking! 

As fast as you snap off a heart shaped leaf, a new shoot springs fourth where the old leaf grew. 
A cut-and-come-again friendly green!

Here's a quick sketch came from this morning's visit to the garden. I allowed myself just a stub of vine charcoal,  so that when the charcoal  was done - so was I."
(drawn on sanded pastel paper)


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